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About Our Work

R’ Mordechai Goldstein, ztz”l

How You Can Help

Mount Zion, Jerusalem

About Diaspora Yeshiva

The Original Yeshiva for Baalei Teshuva

Rosh Yeshiva Giving Encouragement and Counsel to a Baal Teshuva

The Rabbis

The vision and mission of the Rebbe, zt”l is alive and well at the Diaspora Yeshiva today through the work of a number of distinguished Rabbis, including his sons, students, and others.

Talmid muvhak of Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rosh Yeshiva of Slobodka, with whom he learned in his yeshiva as chavrusa for 11 years.

HaRav Dovid Sackton
Gemara B'Iyun

Long-time student of the Rebbe, zt”l and translator of Ramchal’s Derech HaKodesh in English and simple Hebrew, which he developed with the Rebbe, zt”l, published by Feldheim Publishers.

HaRav Yosef Goldstein
General Mashgiach

Talmid muvhak of Rabbi Avraham Polak, Mashgiach of Slabotka Yeshiva, and an author of books of Mussar and Jewish thought.

HaRav Shlomo Goldstein
Mashgiach Ruchani

Teacher of Mussar and composer of many deep and elevating Mussar songs. A father to the students.

HaRav Avraham Goldstein
Moreh Tzedek of Halacha

An author of books of Halacha and Gemara B’Iyun, a known as a leader and a lecturer to many communities, and director of The Mount Zion World Peace Center.