
About the Diaspora Yeshiva

The Yeshiva Today

Gap Year Program Summary

The Yeshiva Today

The vision and mission of the Rebbe, zt”l is alive and well at the Diaspora Yeshiva today through a number of his sons, students, and others through a variety of programs for Jewish men of all levels of Torah learning, beginner to advanced, for shorter and longer terms.

Regardless of the individual student’s background, we believe in and cultivate the potential of every ba’al teshuva not only to return to HaShem but even to become a Torah scholar. Our highest goal is to bezras HaShem see baalei teshuva transform into outstanding Torah personalities, who are dedicated scholars and leaders actualizing Torah values in the world.

To this end, the Yeshiva employs a highly specialized handed-down method of in-depth learning. The wonderful depths of Torah wisdom are revealed to the student through an exciting question and answer format in which he is stimulated to search for truth and be responsible for his conclusions. The most important aspect of this method is the crystallization of learning formulas, which the student himself can reproduce in independent study.

The Diaspora Yeshiva is a vibrant, dynamic environment dedicated to cultivating excellence, a powerful Torah center where Jewish men of all backgrounds can attain to the most exalted levels available to man. We have a place for anyone 25 years of age and under who is seriously interested in finding out the meaning of in-depth Torah study, coming close to G-d, and developing their Jewish potential to the utmost.