Yeshiva Toras Yisrael Foundation
About Our Work
R’ Mordechai Goldstein, ztz”l
How You Can Help
Mount Zion, Jerusalem
In addition to the Diaspora Yeshiva programming for young Jewish men, Machon Roni was established by the Rebbe Z”l to guide young Jewish women on their journey of teshuva.
The experience and success gained by the seminary staff in also teaching geirim (converts) over the years aroused interest in the Jewish people, and Machon Roni was asked to open a door for the development of the Jewish potential inherent in everyone’s heart, and to teach women seeking Jewish conversion the wisdom and beauty of Judaism.
In recent years, according to demand, Machon Roni has become devoted to teaching Spanish speaking women seeking conversion the way of Judaism, helping and guiding them through the process at every stage, and ensuring their integration in the Land of Israel and Israeli society.
Machon Roni is recognized today as a leading seminary for Jewish studies for Spanish speaking women seeking Jewish conversion.