Yeshiva Toras Yisrael Foundation
About Our Work
R’ Mordechai Goldstein, ztz”l
How You Can Help
Mount Zion, Jerusalem
Yeshiva Toras Yisrael, commonly known as the Diaspora Yeshiva, was started in Jerusalem in 1965 by HaRav HaGaon Mordechai Goldstein zt”l (the “Rebbe”), operating at first out of the Chevron Yeshiva in Geulah, Jerusalem, and later out the Diskin Orphanage in Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem.
Shortly after the Six Day War, in 1967, Diaspora Yeshiva Toras Yisrael moved to Mount Zion, Jerusalem at the invitation of then Director-General of the Ministry of Religion of the State of Israel, Rabbi Dr. Shmuel Z. Kahane, who, like his father, also served as the Chief Rabbi of Mount Zion, which had remained in Jewish hands throughout the Jordanian occupation of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Through Rabbi Kahane, the Chief Rabbiship of Mount Zion was transmitted to the Rebbe, who established the Yeshiva atop the Martef HaShoah (Chamber of the Holocaust), the original holocaust memorial, in order to elevate the souls of those who were murdered, adjacent to King David’s Tomb, signaling the connection between teshuva and the coming reconstitution of the Kingdom of David under Mashiach, the Son of David, a few minutes to the Kotel (Western Wall).
At the time, there was no such thing as a yeshiva for baalei teshuva (Jews returning to Torah Judaism) regardless of their background and un-affiliation, but with obvious inspiration from Shamayim (Heaven), the Rebbe was convinced the time had come for the creation for such an institution and besiyata dishmaya (with help from Heaven) succeeded in establishing it, paving the way for the many yeshivos for baalei teshuva that followed.
As a long-time student of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim under Rabbi Henoch Leibowitz, the Rebbe established the Diaspora Yeshiva according to the derech (way) of Chofetz Chaim, following in the footsteps of the Alter of Slabodka and Rabbi Yisroel Salanter, the founder of the Mussar movement, according to which the Diaspora Yeshiva continues to operate to this day, as follows.
In the words of HaRav HaGaon Mordechai Goldstein zt”l,
“If we can build Mount Zion, build our Jewish youth up again, and give that vitalization, the rejuvenation that they need, they will be able to be an example — a moral example — for the whole world, to keep morality, justice, love, care, that the world is looking for, that the world is searching for the Jewish nation, for the Jewish state, to show them in the world. What is the Jewish people? What is the secrets of the Jew? We will show them it’s the Bible, it’s the Oral Law. Here it is! Not only it exists in words, but it exists in practice. And we are the ombudsman for the whole world, and we can stand without blemish, with morality, and justice, and care, and be a nation that’s different, and the nation that we’re supposed to be—that we’re designated by G-d to bring forth into the world. And that is what is meant, ‘From Mount Zion will come forth the Torah.’ The Diaspora Yeshiva is the most serious institution that can be, and we want to play that role.”
For over 50 years, the Diaspora Yeshiva has been embracing baalei teshuva seeking to return to HaShem and His Torah in accordance with the teachings of the Sages of Israel, including thousands of alumni, many of whom have become outstanding Torah personalities.
Listen to an interview with the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Yitzchak Goldstein, Shlita, about the history of the Yeshiva and more.